Real Picture Postcards

Real Picture Postcards

Real picture postcards (RPPC) are easy to find, but looking for a specific subject narrows the hunt.  I was very happy to come across the RPPC pictured here.  It is from 1909 and captures a busy scene at the Rock Island depot in Amarillo.  Railroads RPPCs seem to have...
Amarillo Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 1955

Amarillo Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 1955

Amarillo was fortunate in 1955 to have six passenger trains scheduled through town and one mixed train on the Dumas District.  Numbers 1 and 2 were the westbound and eastbound San Francisco Chiefs.  This premier train had only started service in 1954 and was one of...
Bugs and the Railroads in Texas – A Guest Post

Bugs and the Railroads in Texas – A Guest Post

A few weeks ago, Scott asked me if I would write a few words that could be included in this newsletter. Since my career was as a research entomologist with A&M here in Amarillo, I jokingly asked if I should weave “bugs” and trains together.  Being one who always...
Brightline Adventure

Brightline Adventure

“Trains are wonderful… To travel by train is to see nature and human beings, towns and churches and rivers, in fact, to see life.” – Agatha Christie My recent experience on the new Brightline route from Orlando to Miami and back was slightly...